Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I can barely control it! I think I might explodeeeeee! With happiness that is!

This day has been greattttt!

First, I got paid :)
Second, I hung out with one of my best friends :) :)
Third, I went to Model Citizens again.. and got a shirt :) :) :)
Fourth, I finally got a biker jacket :) :) :) :)
Fifth, it was my uncle's birthday and I got to spend the evening with him :) :) :) :) :)
and last, but very certainly not least, when I got home I had gotten my flight itinerary! I leave in 50 days! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;0 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) !!!

Cannot waittttttt!
Might eventually get photos of the jacket and shirt, and the clothes I mentioned in other posts.
That's all for now, I need to spread the GREAT word!
see yaaaaaaaaaaa

Friday, August 21, 2009


Slipping from your grasp
Or are you just letting me go?
Please hold on tight,
I need you, you know?

Now out of your reach,
I keep going down.
The bottom is near,
I no longer wear a crown.

But then I feel your fingers,
And I'm not drowning any longer.
Your grasp is coming back,
your fight, to be with me, is stronger.

And now what will happen?
My head breaches the water,
But it doesn't matter what comes,
You're my father, I'm your daughter.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I've got one now! this is me.
I'll write more about it later.. I'm going to miss my bus...

Back again! Work was..ok. only 3 1/2 hours. All spent working cash except the last 20 minutes where I folded some shirts. Even though I took cold & sinus medication before I left I felt as though it was worse when I got there. Maybe it's the air in there? I don't know. I had a customer notice I was sick, and he said " a cold in August? Really? It must be the swine." I thought it was quite funny.

But back to Lookbook. It's a site where you can post your outfits, just to show them to the world. I've gotten some inspiration from there, and a friend of mine had an account so she invited me. It is invite only, but if someone actually reads this, and you are interested in fashion and want to join, let me know, I can probably get you an invite. My only problem now is choosing what is worthy of my account, because I don't always feel in the mood to dress up. And I don't like to waste my last few pictures on my dSLR for the sake of showing what I'm wearing. I think I'm going to use my next couple paychecks to buy a simple point and shoot camera.

Other than that, True Blood is on tonight!
That's all folks, ta ta

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oh gorsh damnit.

So lately I've had a few new mild addictions. Let's start with music.

Sick Puppies. Absolutely love them. Shim is amazing, he has a great voice and I'm impressed with his high notes. I commend them for having a female bassist(Emma) because I find bands tend to be full of males. It's kind of refreshing. My favorite song thus far is My World. I'm waiting to go get their albums. So for now I've been using Youtube.

Speaking of Youtube, my latest video addiction is Jake and Amir, through Collegehumor. Amir is silly, hilarious and 'stupid.' Jake is adorable and easily aggitated. Sometimes the videos make absokutely no sense, but that's exactly the way I like it. They should be on tv.

So, on to the third addiction, tv wise. True Blood. Absolutely love it. Vampires have certainly become big in the past year, but screw Twilight. True Blood is where it's at. I'm beginning to think S.Meyer had that 'dream' of her about Twilight from reading 'The Southern Vampire Mysteries' before bed. The similarities are making me hate Twilight even more. But, more about True Blood. I love Anna Paquin in this, she fits Sookie well. And the relationship between her and Bill is fairly normal. Ups and downs. Only he's a vampire... the extent of my addiction was that I watched over 600 minutes of True Blood within less than 24 hours. and that includes sleeping hours. I've caught up to where they are on HBO. So tomorrow, at 10:30, you can find me plopped in front of a tv with all my attention on True Blood.

On to book addiction. The Time Traveler's Wife. Amazing, amazing, amazing. I cried when I finished. Partially because I was done, and partially because of the story. The writing was wonderful, and the plot as well as characters, original. It was highly addictive, and I reccomend it. I am worried however about the movie. I really want to see it, but I also don't. I've heard bad things about it. And I'm worried it won't capture the magic of the novel. But I also want to see first hand how they decided to go about it.

That's all for addictions for now.

As for my debating in the last post, I did buy a pair of heels after, they are borderline gladiator, with a spike heel. I wore them to a cousin's wedding. No mishaps except when I was on a slippery incline and had to stop behind a horde of people, even then I managed to stay upright. And with the heels I had a wonderful purple dress. Which was borrowed, and I wish was my own. It's purple and comes to mid thigh, and has 3 wonderful flowers attached half on the side, ending approximately at my hip. Even I thought I looked good in it. Which is rare. Everyone liked it though. Apparently it made me look slimmer, which I'm not complaining about at all.

Now for my unhappiness. I've recently(as in yesterday) aquired a mild cold. Now I'm all sniffly, aching throat and coughing. Going to be wonderful to deal with customers later. Speaking of work, I'm highly irritated with my boss. She's cut my hours, because of things I have no control over. If this persists I may look for a new job.

And lastly, the happy part. I haven't been seeing much of my friends this summer, but now we have a picnic planned for Monday. And I'm really excited. :D

That's all for today.
Check ya laterrrrrrr (that's from 'Dazed and Confused' if you were wondering)