So yeah. It's been a little while. ... A long while. OOPS! Here's the news :
Trip : WONDERFUL. Loved it. Great Lakes Crossing Mall is the bestttt(that I've been to anyway)
Only regret is i didn't have enough time in Forever 21. Newfound love in H&M though. I'm not going to say everything I bought.. because well.. there was a lot. haha SO on to other things.
New music obsessions : fell in love with Sarah McLachlan again on the airplane.
Discovered the band Parachute. Got their newest CD.
ummm. OH!. Offspring. New and old. Obviously. So I'm talking :
etc. LOVES!
They seriously gave me chills.
Hm. what else? No new tv addictions. I haven't watched any in ages. It cuts into my reading time. Now, as much as I'd like to say I read a lot of books. I don't. Not anymore. I'm not ashamed to admit I read fanfiction. But it's usually something called Alternate Universe. and in most cases, has absolutely NOTHING to do with the original text other than character names. I just love to give support to authors who deserve it but haven't made it big time. Though there's at least one who actually is on the way to getting her story published.
In terms of real books though, I just re-read "About A Boy" because I love it, and I just bought "The Heroin Diaries" which is Nikki Sixx's story. I actually found that through listening, inadvertently, to the soundtrack.
MOVIES. In theatre, I recently saw "Law Abiding Citizen" and "Zombieland". I reccomend both. Good performances in both, though LAC could have used a better ending. Then again, a lot of things could have.
DVDs. Recently bought : Pan's Labyrinth, The Prestige, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and The Departed. All part of my huge favorites list.
School has been.. well I haven't really been there between taking the trip, being sick and sleeping in (oops). Work has been a bit better, a lot of people have quit though.
Being sick blows. I've only got a common cold, but still. If one more person looks at me and says "you've got the swine" I'm seriously going to get violent. I won't start in on my H1N1 tirade, but I will say this : it's a load of bullshit.
2 last points for now. My laptop is a piece of shit. anddddd
I got my tongue pierced!!! yayyyyy! Barely hurt at all.
anyway, enough of my pscyho-babble-bullshit. (what is that from? haha)
ta ta